

Adiuto Login


Info Request

  • Market: Life Sciences - Pharma / Sector: Pharmaceutical Production
  • Application Areas: Quality, Production, Logistics, Environment and Safety, Compliance

Company Profile

Multi company pharmaceutical leader in the antibiotic sector with 10 sites throughout Italy with over 2,000 employees.

Adiuto Analysis

Our Method for Success Stories.

Criticality Highlighted (Weaknesses/Threats)

Different procedures for the same activity

The standard operating procedures drawn up by individual sites for corporate activities were different from each other

Low Perceived Quality Level

Difficulty in carrying out checks and negative perception of the expressed quality

Different people's activities at different production sites

Production workers working on multiple sites must operate differently to perform the same task

Regulatory Inspections / Controls

Low quality standard due to lack of corporate documents.


Opportunity Emerged (Strength/Opportunity)


The corporate management of procedures generates a stronger and transversal quality on all sites. The opportunity lies in the use of Adiuto in digitization and multi-site standardization of SOPs

Standardization of documents

All production sites adopt the same way of working as the headquarters. The Adiuto solution allows reaping the technological benefits of collaboration, sharing, and standardized digitization of documents

Time to time

The corporate strength is to allow each site to transpose content and documents with their natural organization times. Adiuto takes care of sorting SOPs for local transposition for all sites automatically and selectively.

Waste mapping according to the Lean approach

Identification of waste areas on which to make processes more efficient.


Time for the resolution of processing errors


Unnecessary production or incorrect planning

Perdita di tempo
Waste of time

Waste of time in the process steps

Spreco del Talento
Talent waste

Inefficient allocation of resources

Processi Extra
Extra Processes

More work or higher quality not required

Mobilità Inutile
Useless Mobility

Inefficient handling of resources


Inefficient archiving or inventory

Trasporto non necessario
Transport not necessary

Unnecessary handling of products and materials

Waste of Time

Document duplication

Each SOP had been drafted, reviewed, and approved at each site, multiplying the time wasted by the number of locations. Adiuto has made it possible to centralize the document lifecycle, dramatically decreasing the workload at sites.


Extra Processes

Lack of corporate SOPs

There were no corporate SOPs, lacking due to the difficult paper management of documents between sites scattered throughout Italy. Adiuto has made it possible to standardize the documentation in each location by zeroing the distances between the sites.


Adiuto Approach

Solutions are identified, implemented, and customized.


Document lifecycle management.

Instant dissemination of documents and information to peripheral sites for the correct standardization of SOPs.

Lowering the time it takes for peripheral sites to transpose procedures approved by Headquarters.



Adiuto manages the assignment of the document drafting activities and the electronic approval signatures at the corporate level; it deals with the distribution of the document to the sites and the local transposition.



The multisite operators, the Corporate Quality Assurance department, each site's local Quality Assurance Departments are the beneficiaries of Adiuto's solution.


Enabled key users can launch a new Corporate SOP or revise a SOP currently in effect. The flow proceeds with a drafting phase with conversion of the draft to PDF. The Editors, the Reviewers and all the QPs of each site affix their signatures.

The flow continues allowing the upload of any forms (which will await the SOPs entry into effect) and the language version of the SOP. When all modules are approved, SOPs and Modules are put into effect and distributed to all plants for local transposition of the SOP.

Each QA at each site signs off on transposition, manages training, and chooses the effective date and possible destruction of previous editions of the SOP. At the end of the local approvals, each site has available the document in effect with all the corporate and local signatures.


A summary of the main advantages of the Adiuto solution presented.

  • Uniformity of procedures
  • Capillary distribution
  • Compliance
  • Standardization of workers
  • Cutting down time wasting
  • Relocated controlled printing

Content and Process Management

Technological and methodological solutions for each critical process.

TMS - Training Management System
TMS - Training Management System

The solution for the management of corporate training in a regulated field

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GMP - Quality Assurance Digital Solution
GMP - Quality Assurance Digital Solution

The solution for digitizing GxP & GMP Compliant processes

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DMS - Document Management
DMS - Document Management

The Document Management Solution

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BPM - Process Management
BPM - Process Management

The Digital Process Management Solution

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Processes Managed by Area

Application Areas of Process Management solutions.

Quality & Compliance
Quality & Compliance

Standard processes, standard activities, controls and inspections: digital quality according to Adiuto

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Production / Research and Development
Production / Research and Development

Industry 4.0 as a paradigm enabling the advantages of digital in production processes

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Digital process management to finally make every movement smart

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Human Resources / Environment and security
Human Resources / Environment and security

Job security, Qualifications, and Training. The person at the heart of digital transformation

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Governance & GDPR
Governance & GDPR

Governing the company by integrating regulations into processes and simplifying the organization

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