A modern, state-of-the-art specialist private clinic whose mission is the rehabilitation and long-term care of psychiatric patients and the disabled who cannot be treated at home, treating all psychophysical impairments in a residential setting. The goal is the rehabilitation of the patient, for a possible reintegration into social life.
Our Method for Success Stories.
Risk of loss of sensitive documents
Paper-based document management does not allow patients' data to be treated efficiently and with the necessary confidentiality.
Non-traceability of operations
Current management does not ensure that documents are handled only by those with appropriate permissions.
Customer care
Offer customers a more efficient service to stand out from similar facilities, potentially increasing the number of clients.
Identification of waste areas on which to make processes more efficient.
Time for the resolution of processing errors
Unnecessary production or incorrect planning
Waste of time in the process steps
Inefficient allocation of resources
More work or higher quality not required
Inefficient handling of resources
Inefficient archiving or inventory
Unnecessary handling of products and materials
The management of hard copy documents involves long times for the retrieval of information. Adiuto's advanced metadata enables the search and retrieval of information extremely quickly.
The current system of exchanging documents by e-mail obliges workers to send a considerable number of emails. Through the digital folder managed by Adiuto, the sharing of documents eliminates the manual processes of sending emails.
The current document management system entails the risk of duplication or loss of information. The centralized digital management and unique classification of documents achieved through Adiuto eliminates the risk of errors and duplications.
Documents scattered between departments force staff to continually move around for long periods of time. Shared access to documents allows each department to have the necessary documentation available directly from their own offices.
Solutions are identified, implemented, and customized.
Management of medical records, pharmacy warehouse supplies, administrative requirements, and external personnel.
A specific workflow is used to fill in a form for the admission request that involves the departments and the medical staff through notifications and document insertion requests. This is followed by the compilation of the "Digital Medical Record" with detailed families. Each time a therapy is entered into the medical record, a workflow is activated that requires procurement and/or specialized activities involving external facilities. Through specific queries, the administration divides the fees for reimbursements to the regional body.
The admissions office staff, the medical staff, the administrative staff, and the pharmacy warehouse staff.
Managing admissions and medical records digitally eliminates the need to maintain a large paper archive, since many admissions can last up to 40 years.
The use of specific workflows enables the efficient management of pharmacy warehouse supplies, administrative documents, and external personnel.
A summary of the main advantages of the Adiuto solution presented.
Technological and methodological solutions for each critical process.
Application Areas of Process Management solutions.
Standard processes, standard activities, controls and inspections: digital quality according to Adiuto
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