

Adiuto Login


Info Request

  • Market: Food - Beverage / Sector: Canned food
  • Application Areas: Quality, Production, Procurement, Logistics, Environment and Safety, Administration - Finance and Control

Company Profile

A company founded in 1985, it produces all sizes in glass, tubes, and boxes for the Retail market, as well as industrial semi-finished products in metal drums. The plant is the largest production site of tomato derivatives for third-party brands in northern Italy.

Adiuto Analysis

Our Method for Success Stories.

Criticality Highlighted (Weaknesses/Threats)

The customer's criticality was to be able to quickly track and verify the presence and validity of any type of document required for a supplier to operate within the plant.


Opportunity Emerged (Strength/Opportunity)

Culture of Digitization

Dematerialization of management processes

Organization of BPM document flow for monitoring suppliers and employee requests

Traceability and completeness of administrative information

Waste mapping according to the Lean approach

Identification of waste areas on which to make processes more efficient.


Time for the resolution of processing errors


Unnecessary production or incorrect planning

Perdita di tempo
Waste of time

Waste of time in the process steps

Spreco del Talento
Talent waste

Inefficient allocation of resources

Processi Extra
Extra Processes

More work or higher quality not required

Mobilità Inutile
Useless Mobility

Inefficient handling of resources


Inefficient archiving or inventory

Trasporto non necessario
Transport not necessary

Unnecessary handling of products and materials

Waste of Time

Cut down on wasted time reviewing procedures and related documents. Up to 50 business days per year of wasted time managing provider service activation processes. Adiuto checks all necessary documents by job type and activity to be performed.


Talent Waste

Correct placement of resources by suppliers, thanks to the correct allocation of customer requests selected by the Adiuto DMS.


Useless Mobility

Mobility managed through the verification of documents related to suppliers, Alerts with periodic document expiration dates and for possible missing documents in the intervention scheduling phase.


Adiuto Approach

Solutions are identified, implemented, and customized.


During the scheduling of a supplier intervention within the company, the staff starts the "Intervention by Supplier" process in Adiuto, which takes care of checking the presence and validity of every single document needed, and in case they are missing, sends a notification about the lack of such documents by e-mail, so everything is automated, and most of the time, at the time of scheduling, the documents are all present. The Adiuto solution through BPM and DMS manages the records of all suppliers with their individual employees. For each job description, it checks a list of required documents.



When a supplier's intervention was scheduled with the customer, the internal staff had to take care of checking the presence and validity of:

1) all documents relating to the company providing the service

2) all documents relating to the personnel who would have carried out the work

3) the lack of documents created delays and blockages to actions

A document workflow has been created within Adiuto that allows entering and scheduling each "intervention of a supplier" within the system, going to select the supplier and the company's employees who will intervene. Adiuto automatically checks the presence and the validity of all the necessary documents for the work that will be carried out and for the employees' task based on the master data and the previously uploaded files. In addition, for periodic documents, the system warns staff about possible deadlines.

When an intervention by an external company is scheduled, in case there are missing or expired documents, the workflow automatically notifies the staff which documents are not present and/or expired, and which of the supplier's employees are involved. If all documents are present, the workflow continues and manages the life cycle of the action.



Employee administration of suppliers for maintenance, logistics, facilities.


Through Adiuto DMS and Adiuto BPM, the customer has stored all the suppliers and related employees who could provide activities at its plants. The employees were catalogued according to the job performed (example: crane operator, truck driver, boiler maker, gardener, programmer, etc.). Each job was associated with a list of required documents related to the work carried out (example: driver's license, truck driver's certificate, height work certificate, PLE certificate, etc....).


A summary of the main advantages of the Adiuto solution presented.

  • Lower employment of staff
  • Traceability of documents
  • Paper removal
  • Constant monitoring of documentation
  • Checking the validity of each document with an email alert

Content and Process Management

Technological and methodological solutions for each critical process.

DMS - Document Management
DMS - Document Management

The Document Management Solution

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BPM - Process Management
BPM - Process Management

The Digital Process Management Solution

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Processes Managed by Area

Application Areas of Process Management solutions.

Marketing / Sales & Post-Sales
Marketing / Sales & Post-Sales

We accompany customers towards a new digital experience capable of exciting and rethinking the business

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Human Resources / Environment and security
Human Resources / Environment and security

Job security, Qualifications, and Training. The person at the heart of digital transformation

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Administration / Finance and control
Administration / Finance and control

AFC as a component of the value chain for business simplification and support

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