

Adiuto Login


Info Request

  • Market: Manufacturing / Sector: Multiservice
  • Application Areas: Quality, Production, Procurement, Logistics, Environment and Safety, Compliance, Administration - Finance and Control

Company Profile

Company operating in the field of real estate facilities management with the use of subcontracted companies, throughout the country.

Adiuto Analysis

Our Method for Success Stories.

Criticality Highlighted (Weaknesses/Threats)

Internal responsibility

Responsibility for accuracy and timing of placement in charge of internal personnel

Manual process Log

Manually maintained process activity logs, on heterogeneous Excel/Email/Notes sources

Duplicate Data

Data duplicated in other files depending on the competent office, resulting in duplicating the probability of error.

Manual sharing

Sharing of data and documents for internal staff

Risk of expired documentation

Many documents, especially those dealing with security issues, from the various already qualified suppliers need to be periodically checked for validity.




Opportunity Emerged (Strength/Opportunity)

Reversal of liability to the supplier

The responsibility for the accuracy of the data and the documents is entirely borne by the supplier (owner of the data). Internal staff involved only at the end for the verification of consistency and correctness.

Uniqueness of data and controlled access

The data entered is saved within the Adiuto central system and not replicated on other systems. Each access is controlled by special permissions and traced unalterably to the system.


Automatic and controlled sharing

The system, according to the process, makes data and documents accessible to the offices in charge, automatically, according to the established authorizations.

Smart & digitally-oriented management

Documents and processes shared in the company, also with outside access.Supplier portal enabling the management of further possible future processes with direct involvement of the business partner.

Automatic deadlines

Automatic control of data and document deadlines by the system, with reminders and alerts to offices in charge.


Waste mapping according to the Lean approach

Identification of waste areas on which to make processes more efficient.


Time for the resolution of processing errors


Unnecessary production or incorrect planning

Perdita di tempo
Waste of time

Waste of time in the process steps

Spreco del Talento
Talent waste

Inefficient allocation of resources

Processi Extra
Extra Processes

More work or higher quality not required

Mobilità Inutile
Useless Mobility

Inefficient handling of resources


Inefficient archiving or inventory

Trasporto non necessario
Transport not necessary

Unnecessary handling of products and materials


All the documentation received was checked and stored manually in shared folders.


Waste of Time

Before the process was managed on the CMS, the purchasing department was forced to manually solicit, receive, and manage all the documents necessary to complete the supplier qualification. Having a portal available made the provider able to upload the documentation independently. 


Talent Waste

The recording of all data received from the supplier that is the responsibility of internal staff, in particular reading/transcribing activities from heterogeneous documents (also handwritten).

Deadlines for manual tasks on Excel files, maintained daily by internal staff.

Data replicated on different documents depending on the competent office.



The supplier would send documentation in a scattered manner, often scanning multiple documents into a single file. It was also complicated to track the current status of all qualifications without a structured, digitized workflow.


Adiuto Approach

Solutions are identified, implemented, and customized.


DMS and BPM platform for digital process management, combined with a custom CMS to make partners proactive in the business process.



In addition, through the potential of document composition (process families) the process of data input was defined, with automatic creation of qualification modules in real time. The flexibility of the document management, combined with the parameterization of the workflows allowed configuring a totally digital process of archiving, control, and review of all the partners' documentation.

Through the CMS module, the partner has been assigned the responsibility of entering and providing the requested data, within a reserved, dedicated, and highly user-friendly area, without the need for specific instructions and/or involvement of internal staff.



The purchasing, administration, security, and quality office personnel receive timely updated data (without redundant transcription activities) directly from the partner themselves, to which they can notify/report inaccuracies from the platform, keeping track of all the activities carried out, within the system.


The project's first focus was internal digitalization, with the management of the registration of the first data necessary and the start of the qualification workflow. Subsequently, the document management flow was activated for archiving, verification, and sharing of documents, including the definition of permissions of the offices involved and related automatic notifications.

As a last step, the project has provided for the activation of the interface direct to the partners, through the CMS module, customized according to the needs of the customer and the sector.


A summary of the main advantages of the Adiuto solution presented.

  • A summary of the main advantages of the Adiuto solution presented.
  • Reduced internal time wasted
  • Data responsibility assigned to the owner of the data 
  • Reduction of the probability of human error
  • Drastic reduction of latencies due to human inefficiencies
  • Strongly digitally-oriented corporate brand
  • Improved quality of daily work of internal staff
  • Controlled access to confidential documents/information

Content and Process Management

Technological and methodological solutions for each critical process.

DMS - Document Management
DMS - Document Management

The Document Management Solution

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CMS - Content Management
CMS - Content Management

The content and process porting solution

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BPM - Process Management
BPM - Process Management

The Digital Process Management Solution

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Processes Managed by Area

Application Areas of Process Management solutions.

Quality & Compliance
Quality & Compliance

Standard processes, standard activities, controls and inspections: digital quality according to Adiuto

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Digital process management to finally make every movement smart

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Human Resources / Environment and security
Human Resources / Environment and security

Job security, Qualifications, and Training. The person at the heart of digital transformation

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Governance & GDPR
Governance & GDPR

Governing the company by integrating regulations into processes and simplifying the organization

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Administration / Finance and control
Administration / Finance and control

AFC as a component of the value chain for business simplification and support

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